Refrigeration Engineering and Technology


About the journal «Refrigeration Engineering and Technology»

The scientific-production edition "Refrigeration Engineering and Technology" is included in category "B" of the List of scientific professional editions of Ukraine, in which the results of the dissertation works for obtaining the scientific degrees of doctor and candidate of sciences can be published (according to the Procedure of forming the List of scientific professional publications of Ukraine approved by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science Ukraine dated January 15, 2018 No. 32) according to the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated July 11, 2019 No. 975 "On approval of the decisions of the Ministry's Attestation Board on the activity of specialized scientific councils of April 23, 2019" specialties 131, 142, 144, 161

The Collection was registered by the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine: Certificate of the state registration of printed mass media, series KB No.25377-15317ПР from 26.12.2022

Important information! Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine №918 of August 18, 2021 Odesa National Academy of Food Technologies was reorganized into Odesa National University of Technology.

The magazine "Refrigeration Technology and Technology" is registered by the National Council of Ukraine on Television and Radio Broadcasting. Council Decision No. 1549, Minutes No. 15 dated 09.05.2024 (Media ID: R30-04054)

Since 1965, the journal has been the unique in Ukraine interindustrial edition, which aims to publish high quality articles applying a wide range of theoretical and practical elaborations of the foremost scientists in the fields of power engineering, refrigeration equipment, automated control systems, etc.

The journal regularly provides readers with current scientific and technical information on refrigeration and cryogenic equipment, cold storage and other technologies.

Among the authors of publications are more than 200 Ukrainian and foreign scientists each year.

The Editorial board consists of top-level Ukrainian and foreign specialists and experts in the field of refrigeration engineering and technology, heads of research institutes and enterprises.

The journal cooperates with international scientific indexing and abstracting databases, the list of which is constantly expanding.

Main info

The “Refrigeration engineering and technology” journal is published since 1965. It was first published as Proceedings of the Odesa Institute of Food and Refrigeration industry, and since 1994 - as the Republic journal with a periodicity of 4 issues per year.

Today the “Refrigeration engineering and technology” journal is published by the Institute of refrigeration, cryotechnologies and ecoenergetics named after V.S. Martynovsky Odesa National University of Technology.

The journal is included in the List of scientific publications for publishing the main results of theses since 1999 (Order of Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, 4 July 2014, № 793, app. № 8). Information about changing the frequency of the journal info

The “Refrigeration engineering and technology” journal is a scientific-engineering publication which publishes papers concerning theoretical, experimental, industrial and applied problems, research and industrial news in refrigeration, air conditioning and associated fields, so it has the following sections: Refrigeration engineering, Power engineering and energy saving, Refrigeration and associated technologies, Automation, computer and telecommunication technologies.

The “Refrigeration engineering and technology” journal is published in format A4, has the scope up to 120 pages in black and white variant, print resolution 300х400 pixels. Placing of color and grayscale-black and white photos with a resolution of 1200x1200 dpi is allowed only in exceptional cases and on a small amount on special conditions.

The “Refrigeration engineering and technology” journal is sent to the VAC of Ukraine, the Book Chamber of Ukraine, the main research libraries and supervisory authorities in accordance with the official seal list, as well as in a number of educational and research institutions, companies, firms, editions in Ukraine, and abroad, is also applied to scientific conferences, symposia, seminars and exhibitions.

The business model of “Refrigeration engineering and technology” based on sponsorship supported. One of sponsor organization is "The young scientists club". There are no charges for pulication. All publications checking on plagirism by Turnitin ( current), Viper and eTXT (previous).

«Refrigeration Engineering and Technology» should be of significant interest to a broad interdisciplinary audience including academics, practitioners, and consultants.

The journal is included in the List of scientific publications for publishing the main results of theses (Order of Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, 4 July 2014, № 793, app. № 8).

Frequency: 6 times a year, circulation 101 copies.

Publisher: Odesa National University of Technology.

Support: Coordinating Centre of Scientific Journals' Publishing ONАFT.

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